Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why does your hair turn white or gray when you get older?

Because you stop producing pigment that gives our hair

its color.

Why does your hair turn white or gray when you get older?

loss of pigment

Why does your hair turn white or gray when you get older?

Yeah it's loss of pigment, but some people who have native american blood in them

(like my grandad and my mom) dont get gray hair

my grandad is almost 60, his hairs still almost black

and my mom is 34 and her hair is also really dark

so it depends on what you are and where you come from

Why does your hair turn white or gray when you get older?

Hair grows white when the color pigment (melanin) ceases to be produced in the hair follicle and small air spaces take its place. Please check out for more info.

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